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NWI Talks Technical Nonwovens at Techtextil North America

Behnam Pourdeyhimi presents a Tech Talk at Techtextil North America 2024.
NWI's Behnam Pourdeyhimi, Ph.D., delivers a Tech Talk presentation titled "Sustainability In Nonwovens" to a standing-room-only crowd at Techtextil North America 2024.

The Nonwovens Institute (NWI) had an activity-filled week at Techtextil North America 2024, August 20-22, at the Raleigh Convention Center in Raleigh, N.C.

The Institute’s Behnam Pourdeyhimi, Ph.D., and Raoul Farer, Ph.D., led Tech Talks titled “Sustainability in Nonwovens” and “Nonwovens – State of the Industry and Opportunities,” respectively. Meanwhile, NWI student researchers, Büşra Özdemir, Dominic Garcia and Mahsa Nazem, presented posters highlighting their research projects live on the show floor. And NWI’s booth was busy throughout the week, with NWI staff showing off material prototypes and engaging in some really interesting discussions about technical nonwovens applications.

Raoul Farer, Ph.D., presents at Tech Talk at Techtextil North America 2024
Raoul Farer, Ph.D., presents a Tech Talk titled “Nonwovens – State of the Industry and Opportunities” at Techtextil North America 2024.

NWI also participated in several networking events, including Techtextil North America’s opening night reception at the Dorothy and Roy Park Alumni Center on the Centennial Campus of North Carolina State University and the inaugural Alphabet Soup Shindig, which brought together 11 textile, apparel and nonwovens associations to discuss ways to connect and collaborate.

NWI’s booth at Techtextil North America hosted a steady stream of visitors with questions about technical nonwovens applications.

If you weren’t able to connect with NWI at Techtextil North America, please email us at with your questions about technical nonwovens. We are always eager to discuss your application challenges.

  • Knowledge Creation: The NWI consortium of industry, government and academia fosters an environment of collaboration around fundamental nonwovens research focused on current and future challenges and opportunities in nonwovens.

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  • Workforce Development: NWI’s regularly scheduled and custom short courses cover a wide range of nonwovens topics, including those of significant relevance to technical nonwovens applications. 

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  • Fabrication and Testing: NWI’s facilities include lab- and pilot-scale production and testing equipment covering the leading nonwoven platforms. This equipment, and our expert staff, is available to support your trials and testing needs.

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  • Product Development and Problem Solving: NWI collaborates with companies at all stages of growth to embrace and advance exciting new discoveries and product concepts in areas relevant to nonwovens.

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  • Product Incubation: Through its non-profit affiliate, LINC (Leaders in Innovation and Nonwovens Commercialization LLC), NWI has the capability to ramp up and commercialize technical nonwoven products, specializing in low-to-medium volume manufacturing.

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Do you have questions about technical nonwovens applications and technology?

Engage with NWI

Based at the Centennial Campus of North Carolina State University, NWI is a consortium of stakeholders spanning the breadth of the nonwovens value chain. Operating on an “Open Innovation” platform and covering the full Technology Readiness Level (TRL) range, NWI engages industry, government and academia to enable next-generation nonwoven solutions to mission-critical challenges.

Techtextil North America is organized by Messe Frankfurt Exhibition GmbH, a leader in the trade fair business, both in Frankfurt and worldwide, for some 800 years.